About Claire


I am passionate about living life to the full. I love to explore the outdoors - bushwalking, rock climbing, surfing, mountain biking, swimming in waterfalls and exploring creeks. I love to paint, write, sculpt and draw. And I love to share all of these things with my two beautiful young children. 

The thing I enjoy most about being a physiotherapist is helping my clients live their lives to the full, by freeing their bodies of restriction and pain.

I particularly enjoy this aspect of my work as I have experienced the debilitation of a recurring back injury in my twenties, and an injured shoulder from snowboarding. I understand the frustration of being unable to participated in the things I love. As my work and knowledge has evolved my ability to manage my own back and shoulder issue has meant I am now able to do everything I want, and I can live life to the full.

When I first started practicing as a physiotherapist I found it extremely frustrating. I only ever had enough time in a consultation to treat peoples symptoms, knowing full well that they would be presenting with the same issue again in time. Out of frustration I studied to become a Pilates Teacher, both Clinical and Traditional Pilates, thinking this would be a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. For about six months I worked only teaching Pilates, and then I found myself equally frustrated because everyone's body carries joint, muscle and fascial restriction that can improve quickly with manual therapy.

And so my practice has evolved to combine both. I have since added dry needling, a form of acupuncture, to my list of tools as I have found this to be the quickest and most effective tool to treat fascia and muscle.

Working for myself enables me to do things my way. That means 60 minute consultations which allows time to use a combination of manual therapy, movement correction and specific home exercises. And it works. Clients who had almost given up on ever being free of pain, can return to the things they love doing.

"I saw Claire for two 1 hr sessions...and I can run again" Sonya Palmer

"With Claire I found someone who was able to fix the underlying cause" Carol Tett




Bachelor of physiotherapy

Clinical Pilates

BASI Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training

Pelvic Floor and Multifidus Real Time Ultrasound training

Integrated Dry Needling